Monday 24 September 2012

A Special Thanks to a Special Girl

Hey, everyone!

This post is dedicated to a dear friend who went to the trouble of making us a banner and backgrounds! Thank you, Xiao Vee!

I came across Xiao Vee's World while hunting for some reviews on Korean cosmetics and became mesmerized by her honest style of writing and the fact that she thanked the Lord every time she won a giveaway. She inspired me to start a beauty blog and then, not long after, her fan had the privilege of getting to know her. She did more than inspire and help me to set up this blog, she became a close friend of mine and I'm so happy that I met her. I hope to meet her in person some day.

Thank you, Xiao Vee, for the banner, backgrounds and the blog advice, but most importantly, thank you for being my friend!

Much love,


  1. Hi jello, i just read this post ^^ and this post makes my heart melted :"
    it's really nice for being your friend :DD
    glad you like the banner ^^ xx
