Tuesday 2 October 2012

Baviphat Grape Anti Wrinkle All-in-one Cream review

Morning! Hope you all are doing great!

Today I'll be reviewing another Baviphat miracle fruits skincare product. It's in a cute grape-like purple bowl and has a very strong sweet grape smell upon application. This product promises to relieve you of wrinkles and fine lines while hydrating your skin.

I did some research and found something that might interest you~

"Grape seeds are filled with antioxidants that provide healing and anti-aging effects. You might have heard a lot that antioxidants are great, can improve your health, so nothing new so far, right!?! Hold your horses because research has shown that the polyphenols in grape seeds have certain proprieties that exceed in many ways the effects of regular antioxidants.
Resveratrol, probably the most important polyphenol, prevents the accumulation of oxidized cholesterol, reduces inflammation and fights free radical damage. Resveratrol also promotes apoptosis, which is the natural dying of old and damaged cells so that they can be replaced with new fresh ones, allowing rejuvenation at cellular level. So, old and damaged cells are replaced quicker by fresh new ones – seeing the connection here in terms of anti-aging effect!"
Quoted from: the-perfectshape

It's a thick, rich cream that leaves your skin glossy (which I don't mind, because it feels luxurious and looks like a glow). Yet again, the tiny plastic spoon is used to scoop up the product and you only need half a spoon to cover your entire face and neck.

My thoughts on this product:
So I've been testing this product for around 2 to 3 weeks already and my verdict is a big fat NO!
It does hydrate your skin and it does make fine lines disappear (a little), but the cream is too thick and perhaps too rich for my facial skin. 
I love the smell, the packaging and the luxurious feel it has when you apply it onto your skin, but it leaves my face slightly sticky and the product doesn't really absorb into my skin. I'm very upset with this product, because it broke out my skin and I'm struggling to repair it. I wish it would work, because it's just too cute! xD

Repurchase: No. There are too many "buts" and the cream broke out my skin. TT~TT
Rating: 2 out of 5 (+2 for packaging and the smell)

I hope this review helped. Also, I found an awesome solution for my newly acquired breakouts, so stay tuned! ;3


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