Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Truth about Dating

This is the first of 4 posts from my poor abandoned blog called Doodadsii... Yeah... Hope you enjoy them! (:

Right. I got this!

My first post will be dedicated to them shy ladies all around the globe!
You are frustrated out of your mind and cry yourself to sleep with loneliness. Wait, what?

Snap out of it! If you want a guy, get one - it's not that hard. If you like a specific guy, formulate a strategy and put it to the test.

The number one rule and cliche of dating.
Be yourself! Do you have freckles on your shoulders? Flaunt them! Do you have an accent? Show it off! Do you have an acne problem? Well, fix that.

Being oneself isn't as easy as everyone makes it seem, but it doesn't have to be that difficult either. For many it starts on the outside. You can say what you will, but it's true. Yes, personality is important, but if you feel you can't be confident if you don't look good follow these simple guidelines...

Stay away from sweets, smoking and alcohol! Cigarettes and alcohol makes you age faster. No, not your real age, but the age of your skin. To keep it wrinkle free (most of the time) eat a lot of fresh veggies and do exercise! Sweets and oily foods give you pimples and uneven skin tone. Cut it out of your diet and replace it with fruits (not too much!) and water. Omega oils will also help fight the aging of your skin. Try it out! Get your facts straight - eat a healthy and balanced diet (instead of those "get thin in a few weeks"-types that deprive you of the nutrients your body needs), and train hard. It helps to make a collage of things you want to achieve like that perfect abs, y'know?

Drink 2 liters of water a day. If you get tired of that, add some flavour to it by adding a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it. Or if you really get nauseated by the taste of water even when "tempered" with, try traditional Chinese Herbal tea. There are many flavours to choose from and it serves as a great detoxing agent. Be careful of over doing it as intense detoxing might put you into a coma.

  Smile. It never hurts to smile. (And please, someone tell that to Kristen Stewart! haha) Smiling works out 25 muscles and makes you feel happier! Smile and laugh more and allow your positive energy to shine out from the inside - that is true beauty! After all ~ smiling is contagious! (:

Okay, how to approach a guy? The FamousAmos has the answer to that!
A summary:
Become the hunter, but don't do something too crazy
3-Second rule to make an impression
Compliment him
Introduce yourself
ASK OPEN-ended questions
Go with the flow

If you think you have ruined your first impression with your crush, don't worry about it! Impressions can be remade!

Being yourself can be stressful. You might fear rejection or becoming an outcast. Truth is, there isn't a thing such as being "normal". What might seem totally irrational to you, might be completely normal to another person. Being the true you has benefits beyond the dating industry. You can make real life-long friends and be contempt with what you have and who you are even when you are alone.

Who are you?
Well, for those of you who are still struggling with that question, ask yourself this first:

How do you react in given situations? Our actions determine how others see us - it is through our presentation that we can express ourselves. Presentation is very closely tied with appearance, but it is something completely different. Appearance is what you wear and what you look like, whereas presentation is all about how you wear it and your own perception of yourself shining through. Remember - our bodies are only vessels for our souls.

What do you like and dislike? Make a list of things you like and really don't in people and about life. These things should be flexible, so don't go overboard with them. Then, try out new things! Try it, you might like it. ;3

Compile a list of four or five things you would like to witness in your ideal guy (or girl). Don't only jot down physical attributes. Then weigh yourself by the standards you have set for him. If you wrote "adventurous", do you like exploring the great outdoors yourself? If you wrote "playful", are you as free-spirited as you want him to be? 

Lastly, but definitely not least - be courageous enough to be YOU. Yes, you heard me. If you know you aren't being true to yourself, I am calling you a coward. Prove me wrong!

Over and out. (: 

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